Monday, July 29, 2019

On To Richmond - part 2

Sanford Stone/Weller House

Date Visited:  June 2, 2019

Stop:  #3

After “invading” the Richmond Center for the Performing Arts, it was on to our next target.  We continued east on Churchill Street until it ended at Main Street (M-19).  We made a left onto Main Street heading north for about 170 feet and turned right onto Washington Street.  Heading east again, we drove for 1.5 blocks until we reached our destination.  The historical marker for the Sanford Stone/Weller House was located on the north side of Washington Street, about 130 feet east of Stone Street.  The marker is located in a nice neighborhood, across the street from a Little League baseball field, which brought back memories of my coaching days and the hours spent on similar baseball fields throughout the lower half of Michigan.  But again, I digress.

This is a private residence that is totally fenced off by a little white picket fence, so you can only get as close to the marker as the fence will allow.  This was our first visit to a two-sided historical marker, with Side 1 providing the background of the original owner of the house (Sanford Stone), which he built in 1878.  Side 2 describes the history after the Sanford Stone House was sold to Mabelle Streibig Weller in 1920.  The Wellers remodeled the home, which was originally built in an Eastlake style house, to a more modern Colonial Revival style.  The Wellers also renamed the home Roseburn Place after Mabelle’s mother.  The home remained in the possession of the Wellers’ ancestors until 1993 and is now owned by a private businessman.

The home is really beautiful, on a fairly large lot compared to other homes in the area, with mature trees, well-kept landscaping, and a really nice sun porch on the west side of the house.  It would have been really interesting to see the inside of the house, but obviously that was not possible.  I could imagine sitting in the sun porch and listening to the sounds of kids playing on the baseball fields across the street.  With that thought burned into my memory, it was time to move on to our next destination – our first winery visit!!!

#michiganwinesandsigns #michigan #history #michiganhistory #historyisbetterwithwine

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